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Business Analyst, System Analyst, Programmer Analyst, Software Developer

  • Аналитик

Занятость: полная занятость

График работы: полный день

Опыт работы 31 год 1 месяц

Декабрь 2021по настоящее время
3 года 4 месяца
Wintrust Financial

США, www.wintrust.com/

Финансовый сектор... Показать еще

AVP, Senior Business Analyst
Part of the team working on the automaton of wire submission process to support Loan management team. Performed business analysis, requirements gathering and documenting, designed process flow diagrams.
Август 2019Май 2020
10 месяцев
True Group

США, www.truegroup.net/

Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

Business Technical Analyst, Consultant for McDonald's
 A part of the team supporting Global Data and Analytics platform for a major fast food company.  Performed business analysis, documenting business requirements, process flow diagrams, and test cases to satisfy those requirements.  Designed, developed and implemented SQL scripts to support test cases.  Created test suites to address both data validation and functional requirements.  Performed regression and UAT testing, documented analyzed results and identified and reported issues.  Verified data consistency for a number of business applications residing across various platforms.  Data sources reside in SQL Server, Redshift and Hadoop.
Январь 2003Октябрь 2015
12 лет 10 месяцев
CME Group Clearing House

США, www.cmegroup.com/

Финансовый сектор... Показать еще

Lead Programmer Analyst
* Led efforts on design and development of the Stress Testing application to make stress tests more dynamic, robust and comprehensive to accommodate increasing industry and CFTC standards. * Provided leadership in design and development of applications for Risk Management Team to support Risk Analysis. * Performed business analysis, including requirement gathering, use case creation, and documentation. * Designed data model and database structure for historical repository of performance bond calculations and settlement data for Risk Analysis and Security Deposit calculations. * Created automated process to collect performance bond and settlement information for ITD (intraday) and RTH (Regular Trading Hours) clearing cycles. * Developed back-end process to match and maintain member firms' accounts. * Provided leadership in design and development of front-end web-based interactive reports for Risk Analysis. * Provided system and user support. * Components were developed using Visual Studio .NET, C#, and stored procedures.
Январь 2000Январь 2003
3 года 1 месяц
Saecos corp.


Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

* Participated in design and development of E-Security Architecture that delivers the basic components of an application-level security solution in the Web environments for global financial-services companies. ; * Responsible for design and implementation of the Entity Repository component - a centralized storage mechanism for users of a given application or a set of applications. ; * Participated in the design stage of the Certificate management component that would be responsible for storage of digital certificates. ; * All components were designed using EJB technology, tested on Jboss and made compliant to run on Sybase EAS EJB Container. ;
Январь 1999Январь 2000
1 год 1 месяц
Bank of America

США, www.bankofamerica.com/

Финансовый сектор... Показать еще

Assistant Vice President
* Part of the team developing the web based wire transfer application for corporate clients. ; * Developed UI using NetDynamics, Java and JavaScript. ;
Январь 1998Январь 1999
1 год 1 месяц
Option Clearing Corporation

США, www.theocc.com/

Финансовый сектор... Показать еще

Application Development Specialist
* Coded and tested formatting classes for the import/export wizard for the OCC-TIMS (Theoretical Intermarket Margin System). The application measures the monetary risk inherent in portfolios containing a wide array of derivatives products. The system is Windows NT based, written in C++, and utilizes MS SQL Server. ; * Responsible for enhancements of TVC (Theoretical Values Calculation) pricing engine. This financial application retrieves vendor supplied Dividends and Interest Rates data and distributes it over to multiple platforms for analysis. Technical environment consists of UNIX/C++ and INFORMIX database. ; * Participated in research of portability of a C++ model to MVS/Open Edition. The model is the Theoretical Model for Option Pricing and is currently implemented on Windows NT. ;
Январь 1996Январь 1998
2 года 1 месяц
CCH Inc.

США, www.cch.com/

СМИ, маркетинг, реклама, BTL, PR, дизайн, продюсирование... Показать еще

Application Software Development Specialist
* Participated in design and development of CTI (Windows based application for Customer Support Service). ; * Designed screens using Protogen (C++ code generator). ; * Wrote custom code using ODBC function calls and SQL to retrieve data from ORACLE database to populate screens and to feed the reporting system. ; * Intensive user contacts and customer problem analysis and resolutions. ;
Январь 1994Январь 1996
2 года 1 месяц
Vision Technology Intl.


Информационные технологии, системная интеграция, интернет... Показать еще

Software Consultant
* Participated in integration, volume and stress test, and quality assurance for the Nielsen Solution System at A.C. Nielsen. ; * Overall integration process of UNIX and PC software; test cases design and implementation; regression tests design and consecutive process implementation. ; * Developed tools in Korn Shell and C to set up UNIX and Windows environment for developers and end users; operational tools for help desk; start up tools to initiate Remote Communication Task (RCT). ; * Design of stress tests to detect bottlenecks in the system and volume tests to estimate system limitations; implement daemons to collect statistics and to create a predefined set of reports for managerial analysis. ; * UNIX system administrator at CNA Insurance Co. The shop consists of twenty HP UNIX servers. ; * HP-UX 9.XX, HP-UX 10.XX systems and software packages installation; logical volume creation and maintenance; user accounts management; system support, backups and disaster recovery. ; * Designed scripts to collect statistics on CPU usage and disk utilization. ; * Environment consists of UNIX, C, Korn Shell, SQL, MS Windows; HP T500, HP-715. ;
Январь 1992Январь 1994
2 года 1 месяц
Newark Electronics

США, www.newark.com

Электроника, приборостроение, бытовая техника, компьютеры и оргтехника... Показать еще

* Participated in the full life cycle of the development of the Marketing research projects including initial design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. Project is implemented on ADABAS using 4GL Dylakor. ; * Maintained Market Research reporting system. ; * Intensive user contacts and customer problem analysis. ;
Январь 1991Январь 1992
1 год 1 месяц
University of Illinois at Chicago

США, www.uic.edu

Образовательные учреждения... Показать еще

Resource and Policy Analyst
* Design, creation, and maintenance of campus wide resource management system. ; * Creation of data entry and menu screens. ; * Writing, testing, troubleshooting, and maintenance of programs using DB2/REXX/SQL/QMF. ; * Creation of on-line Documentation System. ;
Январь 1987Январь 1989
2 года 1 месяц
National Research Institute for Constructional Equipment


Kiev, Ukraine. * Development of an inventory system using dBASE III. ; * Installation and customizing of software packages, user support and troubleshooting. ;


Уровни владения навыками
Extensive experience in software development,
application programming, systems analysis, and systems support with financial,
e-commerce, marketing, business/personnel and inventory/distribution applications
in Web based multi-tier and Client/Server environments.

Обо мне

UNIX, Product Development, C++, SQL, Risk Analysis, Microsoft C-SHARP, Korn Shell, HP-UX, C Programming Language, customer problem analysis, UML/OMT, Sybase, Oracle, NetDynamics, Microsoft Windows NT, Microsoft Windows, Microsoft Visual Studio.NET, Microsoft SQL Server, Jboss, JavaScript, Java, Informix, HP Hardware, Enterprise Java Beans, user support and troubleshooting, user support, user accounts management, systems analysis, system support, software development, responsible for storage, resource management, managerial analysis, initial design, eSecurity, eCommerce, design, consecutive process implementation, application programming, XML, Windows SDK programming, VSS, TCP/IP, Sun Solaris, Stored Procedures, Responsible for enhancements, Responsible for design and implementation, Requirements Gathering, Rational Rose, Rational ClearCase, REXX, Quality Assurance, QMF, Protogen, Performed business analysis, PC Hardware, Oracle Developer 2000, Oracle Applications, Oracle 7, Object Oriented Analysis/Design, ODBC, N-Tier, Microsoft Windows 2008 Server, Microsoft Transact-SQL, Microsoft SQL Server 2000, Microsoft DOS, Microsoft Access, Microsoft ASP.NET, Marketing, MVS, Linux, Java 2 Enterprise Edition, HTML, Disaster Recovery, Derivatives, Data Entry, DYLAKOR, DBase, DB2, Client/Server, CVS, ADABAS Natural, 4GL

Высшее образование

University of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russia.
Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, M.S. in Computer Science

Знание языков


АнглийскийC2 — В совершенстве

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: США

Разрешение на работу: США

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения